Physician Assistant - Prerequisites
Baldwin Wallace University welcomes applications from candidates with degrees in any area. However, all candidates must have successfully completed specific prerequisite courses prior to enrollment in the program.
Prerequisite Courses
The prerequisite courses listed are minimum requirements. Additional biology and chemistry courses are recommended. Candidates must have completed one semester of each of these prerequisite courses, with a grade of C or better in each course, prior to enrollment in the physician assistant program. Minimum cumulative GPA and science GPA must be at least 3.0 (average GPA is above 3.7). All prerequisites do not need to be completed at time of CASPA application, but must be successfully completed before students enroll in the program.
- Biology I with lab
- Biology II with lab
- Anatomy and physiology I with lab
- Anatomy and physiology II with lab
- Microbiology with lab
- General chemistry I with lab
- General chemistry II with lab
- Organic chemistry I with lab
- Introductory psychology
- English composition
- Statistics or biostatistics
- Medical terminology
Because of the high volume of applications and requests for clarification on whether specific courses may meet requirements, the PA program does not evaluate courses for approval or consider waivers of stated prerequisites prior to formal application to the program through CASPA. However, the admission office and PA program keep a list of previously approved courses from different colleges and universities. To see if your prerequisite choices have been previously approved, contact the admission office at or (440) 826-8012.
Regionally accredited college or university
Prerequisite courses must be earned at a regionally accredited college or university in the United States. Courses may be taken at two-year (community college) or four-year institutions, and may be approved as online courses/labs.
Seven-year time limit
All prerequisite science courses are to be completed within the last seven years, and candidates must have a working knowledge of these courses. (Prerequisite science courses include: Biology I and II, General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, and Anatomy & Physiology I and II.)
GPA requirements
Candidates must have completed each of these prerequisite courses with a grade of C or better in each course. Minimum cumulative GPA and science GPA must be at least 3.0. Average GPA of students selected for admission is above 3.7.
Prerequisite courses in-process at time of application
It is not unusual for candidates to be finishing a few of their prerequisite courses during the fall and spring semesters prior the program's start in May. All prerequisites do not need to be completed at time of CASPA application, but must be successfully completed before students enroll in the program.
Anatomy and physiology I and II
Not all schools offer anatomy and physiology as a combined two-course sequence with labs. One semester of human anatomy with lab and one semester of human physiology with lab may be substituted for the two combined anatomy and physiology courses with labs.
Retaking prerequisites
When a student has retaken courses for a better grade or to meet the seven-year time limit, both the original and retaken grade will be included in CASPA's GPA calculation, and BW will make note of the better grade.
AP courses
Advanced Placement (AP) courses may satisfy prerequisite coursework only after evaluation by the admission committee, once a student applies through CASPA. When approved, the PA program follows the recommended AP scores set by academic departments at BW.
Additional courses in biology and chemistry are recommended
Many candidates have completed additional coursework that may include: biochemistry, genetics, immunology, histology, embryology, endocrinology, epidemiology, neuroscience, pathophysiology, virology, medical/bioethics, public health, developmental/abnormal psychology, college algebra.
No previous credit replaces or transfers into the PA curriculum
No previous coursework will transfer to replace courses in the PA program. There will be no advanced standing permitted in the PA program.